Fed Up in RI Testimony to Senate… WE DO NOT CONSENT!


Fed Up in RI’s Formal Request for Moratorium and Opposition
to Senate Bill No.2246
“Rhode Island Bridge Replacement, Reconstruction and Maintenance Fund”

Dear Honorable Chairman and Senate Finance Committee Members,

Please take ‘Notice’ that Fed Up in RI stands in firm Opposition to Senate Bill No. 2246 – Rhode Island Bridge Replacement, Reconstruction and Maintenance Fund — in addition to Tolls, and we hereby reserve all our constitutionally protected Rights by withholding our consent at this time to the inclusion, tenets and passage of Senate Bill No. 2246 , and it’s accompanying Joint Resolutions submitted pursuant to chapter 18 of title 35.

Due to the documented lack of transparency and highly questionable process employed thus far, Fed Up in RI also formally requests an immediate moratorium be placed on all Governor Raimondo’s Administration’s bold transportation initiatives – pending a full investigation and production of records and analysis to ensure that all transportation infrastructure associations, plans and transit investment options, with and under development or consideration and in current law, have been totally revealed under full disclosure in an open and transparent way to lawmakers and the public alike, for an informed consent representing the ‘Will of the People’ to be possible.

Whereas, under our Representative form of government, it is not the burden of the Citizens of Rhode Island to prove to it’s Representatives that the Governor’s proposal is NOT in their best interest, but rather, as the People’s elected voices, it is you – in your official duties, who must prove to those you represent – that Senate Bill No. 2246 [IS]{emphasis added} worthy of the People’s informed “Consent”.

Therefore, to do otherwise by your vote for passage of Senate Bill No. 2246 under the current circumstances, we will consider it to be no less than a deliberate breach of your fiduciary duties and the public’s trust.

Whereas, The Rhode Island Public Corporation Debt Management Act (R.I. General 5 Laws § 35-18 1, et seq.) requires the General Assembly to provide it’s consent to the issuance of certain obligations for essential public facilities as the type proposed, we request in the spirit of your duty in upholding your Oaths of Office, that for good cause, you withhold your approval at this time of Senate Bill No. 2246 – Rhode Island Bridge Replacement, Reconstruction and Maintenance Fund – Tolls, introduced by Senators Ruggerio, Paiva Weed, Goodwin, DiPalma, and McCaffrey on January/28/2016, by voting against it.

Individually, and on behalf of Fed Up In RI, and those in membership, please consider this correspondence our official written testimony for the Record (at this time) in Opposition to the proposed Rhode Island Bridge Replacement, Reconstruction and Maintenance Fund – Tolls.

We further reserve our right to submit additional testimony and evidence for the record, during and up to the Senate’s final determination on this matter.

We respectfully request that you include “Fed Up in RI’s Formal Request for Moratorium and Statement of Opposition to Senate Bill No.2246 – Rhode Island Bridge Replacement, Reconstruction and Maintenance Fund” et al, be read and placed in the Permanent Record and put into the Senate Journal for the official file.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Respectfully submitted,
Gloria Garvin, founder
Fed Up In RI
February 3, 2016





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